Volume 6, Number 2・3
1 December, 2022

  • 日中邦交正常化/‟1972年体制”下的日美安全保障体制与台湾
    Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and China/The Japan-U.S. Alliance and Taiwan under the “1972 Regime”

  • 栗山尚一
    Takakazu Kuriyama




    Madoka Fukuda (HOSEI University)



      Madoka FUKUDA is a professor of international politics and China studies at the Department of Global Politics, Faculty of Law, Hosei University. She received her Ph.D. and M.A. in media and governance from Keio University. Previously, she studied at the doctoral course of Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, National Cheng-Chi University as a Taiwan scholarship student. She specializes in the PRC’s diplomacy and the Cross-Strait relation in the postwar years. She published her first book “The PRC’s diplomacy and Taiwan; The origin of the ‘One-China’ principle” (Keio University Press, 2013), and got the 25th special prize for Asia-Pacific studies (The Asian Affairs Research Council, Japan). She has also published a number of peer-reviewed articles along with research for the Cross-Strait relations.

    Fukuda's official website

  • Full Text

    簡体字 / 正體字 / English
  • 摘要:


      The first article, “Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and China, ” was published in 1999 by Takakazu Kuriyama, a former Japanese Ambassador to the United States, who was involved in the negotiations for the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China as Director of the Treaty Division, Treaty Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). In this article, Kuriyama discusses how the MOFA, which was in a position to support Prime Minister Tanaka and Foreign Minister Ohira, examined and resolved some issues of international law that accompanied the Sino-Japanese normalization, using his recollections.
       The central issue of this article is the Japan-U.S. security treaty regime and the issue of Taiwan's legal status after the Sino-Japanese normalization. This was one of the biggest issues in the normalization negotiations, and the outcome of the negotiations is summarized in the third paragraph of the Japan-China Joint Statement. Kuriyama argues that although the paragraph indicates that Japan accepted the “Potsdam Declaration” and converted Taiwan into “China, ” its unspoken meaning was that the Japanese government took the position that Taiwan was not considered to be part of the territory actually governed by the People's Republic of China at the time of the normalization.
      The second article argues that the relationship between the Japan-U.S. security treaty regime is discussed in the first article. The treatment of the Taiwan issue in Japan-China relations since the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries (referred to as the “1972 regime” in this article) is now in turmoil following the end of the Cold War and the emergence of the “New Cold War” between the United States and China.
       This article will begin with an overview of the international background at the time when the “1972 Regime” was established between Japan and China regarding the Taiwan issue, and then summarize the background of the establishment of the “1972 Regime” and its implications, mainly citing the Kuriyama’s article. The article then reviews the process by which the “1972 Regime” became a point of contention and was reaffirmed in the period after the end of the Cold War in the 1990s when the Kuriyama article was published. Finally, the article will explain why the “1972 Regime” is now being rechallenged.