Volume7, Number 1
1 June, 2023

  • 横跨东海的日中关系――发生紧张局势的最前线
    Sino-Japanese Relations over the East China Sea: The Front Line of Rising Tensions

  • 益尾知佐子(九州大学)
    Chisako T. MASUO (Kyushu University)

           益尾知佐子,东京大学博士,现为九州大学比较社会文化研究院教授。她出生于日本佐贺县,成长于福冈县,16岁第一次坐飞机去美国纽约州做交换留学生,回国后就读东京大学教养学部国际关系课程。在学时到北京大学国际关系学院进修过两次,开始研究中国对外政策以及围绕中国的国际关系。在日本国际问题研究所工作之后,2004-2007年她担任哈佛大学傅高义教授的研究助手,2008年在九州大学任教。2014-2015年应傅教授的邀请,再任哈佛燕京学社共同研究学者。2019年,在中国社会科学院亚太全球战略研究院和外交学院做访问学者。2021年开始兼任日本国际问题研究所客座研究员。同年她获得第14届“中曽根康弘赏优秀赏”。益尾的主要着书包括:《中国的行动原理》(中公新书,2019年);《中国政治外交的转折点》(东京大学出版社,2010年);《中国外交史》(东京大学出版社,2017年)。日文翻译作品有傅高义著作的《中国和日本》《邓小平时代》。最近,经常在《周刊东洋经济》《日本经济新闻》等日本国内杂志和报纸发表评论,也在其它国家的刊物用英文和中文投稿(北大国际关系学院的《中国国际战略评论》、印度的Maritime Affairs等)。2022年7月,《参考消息》也转载她的文章。中国的老朋友们习惯叫她 “苏琪”。

           益尾知佐子,東京大學博士,現爲九州大學比較社會文化研究院教授。她出生於日本佐賀縣,成長於福岡縣,16歲第一次坐飛機去美國紐約州做交換留學生,回國後就讀東京大學教養學部國際關係課程。在學時到北京大學國際關係學院進修過兩次,開始研究中國對外政策以及圍繞中國的國際關係。在日本國際問題研究所工作之後,2004-2007年她擔任哈佛大學傅高義教授的研究助手,2008年在九州大學任教。2014-2015年應傅教授的邀請,再任哈佛燕京學社共同研究學者。2019年,在中國社會科學院亞太全球戰略研究院和外交學院做訪問學者。2021年開始兼任日本國際問題研究所客座研究員。同年她獲得第14届「中曽根康弘賞優秀賞」。益尾的主要著書包括:《中國的行動原理》(中公新書,2019年);《中國政治外交的轉折點》(東京大學出版社,2010年);《中國外交史》(東京大學出版社,2017年)。日文翻譯作品有傅高義著作的《中國和日本》《鄧小平時代》。最近,經常在《周刊東洋經濟》《日本經濟新聞》等日本國內雜誌和報紙發表評論,也在其它國家的刊物用英文和中文投稿(北大國際關係學院的《中國國際戰略評論》、印度的Maritime Affairs等)。2022年7月,《參考消息》也轉載她的文章。中國的老朋友們習慣叫她 「蘇琪」。

      Chisako T. MASUO is a Professor of international relations at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University. She was given the Nakasone Yasuhiro Award of Excellence in 2021 for her contribution to China studies and for the policy discussions regarding China’s Coast Guard Law. She currently serves as an Adjunct Fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) and as a “Think!” expert for Nikkei newspaper. Professor Masuo is interested in Chinese domestic politics, foreign policies, maritime and science strategies and international relations with regards to China. In 1996-97, she was dispatched to Peking University from the University of Tokyo for an exchange program. In 2008, she obtained the Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo. She has worked for late Harvard professor Ezra F. Vogel as his research assistant and translated two of his last books into Japanese. She was a visiting scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China Foreign Affairs University in 2019, and a coordinate research scholar working with Professor Vogel at the Harvard-Yenching Institute in 2014-2015. She has written papers and conducted extensive research activities not only in Japanese, but also in English and Chinese.

    Chisako T. MASUO's official profile

  • 摘要:


      This paper outlines the developments in Sino-Japanese relations over the East China Sea mainly in the first two decades of the twenty-first century. Both Japan and China ratified the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1996, but could not delimit their Exclusive Economic Zones in a short period due to China’s excessive claim. To stabilize the situation in the East China Sea, the two countries signed three diplomatic agreements between 1997 and 2008. However, China consequently failed to comply with all of them. When Tokyo found it difficult to settle issues through negotiations with Beijing, the Chinese coastguard vessels made their first incursion into the territorial water of the Senkaku Islands in December 2008, challenging Japanese sovereignty in a clear manner. The Senkaku incidents occurred in 2010 and 2012 escalated tensions in the bilateral relationship to an unprecedented level. China’s continued “unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force” in the East China Sea led Japan to gradually seek hard balancing measures against China. They included strengthening the alliance with the United States, quickening the procedures for ordering defensive actions on the sea, bolstering defense deployment in its south-western islands, and obtaining counterattack capabilities against foreign missiles. Tokyo also took advantage of international backlash against China’s aggressive measures to reinforce its cooperation with countries that were increasingly wary of Beijing. While the security tensions over the East China Sea remained to be high, there is growing concern today over China’s possible military incursion into Taiwan and its impact on the Japan-China relations.

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