Volume 5, Number 5・6
1 October, 2021

  • 尖阁诸岛问题的论述空间──中国的历史认识/从渔民追寻鸟蛋之海到国家之间对立之海──东海的岛屿
    The Contending Discourses of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Conundrum: The Chinese Interpretation of History/ From Fishers’ Backyard to Countries’ Sovereignty Contest: The Islands in the East China Sea

  • 川岛真(东京大学)
    Shin Kawashima(The University of Tokyo)

           川岛真现为东京大学综合文化研究科教授。1992年毕业于东京外国语大学外语系中文专业, 1994年修了于东京大学大学院人文科学研究科东洋史学科修士课程, 1997年修满东京大学大学院人文社会系研究科博士课程学分后退学,2000年获博士(文学)学位。1998年起于北海道大学法学系副教授,2006年起于东京大学综合文化研究科副教授, 2015年升任同教授。他还是中曾根康弘世界和平研究所高级研究员, 国家安全局高级研究员, 日本学术会议连携会员, 外务省外交记录公开推进委员会委员, 内阁府国际政治经济恳谈会委员, 以及内阁府公文书管理委员会委员。他曾在中央研究院现代史研究所(台北), 北京日本研究中心, 北京大学, 国立政治大学(台北)和伍德罗-威尔逊中心从事海外研究和教学。专攻中国/台湾外交史, 当代东亚的国际关系。

           川島真現為東京大學綜合文化研究科教授。1992年畢業於東京外國語大學外語系中文專業, 1994年修了於東京大學大學院人文科學研究科東洋史學科修士課程, 1997年修滿東京大學大學院人文社會系研究科博士課程學分後退學,2000年獲博士(文學)學位。1998年起於北海道大學法學系副教授,2006年起於東京大學綜合文化研究科副教授, 2015年升任同教授。他還是中曾根康弘世界和平研究所高級研究員, 國家安全局高級研究員, 日本學術會議連攜會員, 外務省外交記錄公開推進委員會委員, 內閣府國際政治經濟懇談會委員, 以及內閣府公文書管理委員會委員。 他曾在中央研究院現代史研究所(台北), 北京日本研究中心, 北京大學, 國立政治大學(台北)和伍德羅-威爾遜中心從事海外研究和教學。專攻中國/台灣外交史, 當代東亞的國際關係。

      Shin Kawashima is the professor at the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, the University of Tokyo. He was educated at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (B.A.1992) and the University of Tokyo (Oriental history, M.A., 1994 and Ph.D, 2000). He was an associate professor at Hokkaido University (1998-2006) and at the University of Tokyo (2006-2015), and then as professor in 2015. He is also a senior researcher of the Nakasone Peace Institute, senior fellow of National Security Agency, an associate member of Science Council of Japan, the advisory member of the Committee for the Promotion of the Declassification of Diplomatic Records, Ministry Foreign Affairs, an expert member of the International Political Economy Conference, and the advisory member of the Public Records and Archives Management Commission. His research covers Chinese/Taiwanese diplomatic history and the contemporary international relations in East Asia.

  • Full Text

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  • 摘要:


    The Contending Discourses of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Conundrum: The Chinese Interpretation of History
      The first essay focuses on the diplomatic dispute between Japan and China over the Senkaku/Diaoyu (the following is omitted) Islands in the East China Sea. Understanding the competing sovereignty claims to the islands requires the consideration of a myriad of issues: the national and military power of the claimants, the authorities that have control over the islands, and the applicable rules of international law in settling the problem. Moreover, it underlines the different interpretations each claimant offers to the history of the Senkakus. Drawing on the historical evidence disclosed in recent years, the author seeks to illustrate each territorial claim and its explanation of the islands' history. While it does not aim to provide a solution to the territorial contest, this essay hopes to promote mutual understanding between two nations.

    From Fishers’ Backyard to Countries’ Sovereignty Contest: The Islands in the East China Sea
      The second essay examines the historical development of the surrounding waters of the Senkaku/Diaoyu(the following is omitted) Islands. Like the Nakanougan Island in the East China Sea, the Senkakus were a valuable fishing ground for Taiwan and Japan (mainly from the Miyako Island and the Yaeyama Islands); the Taiwanese fishers would capture birds and collect bird eggs, while the latter caught fish. Throughout history, fishers from Taiwan and Japan enjoyed the rich maritime resources and shared the economic prosperity the Islands offered. However, in the 1950s, prompted by the overharvesting of bird eggs by the Taiwanese fishers, the region witnessed rising tensions between Taiwan on the one side, and the Ryukyu Government and the United States on the other. It was not until the 1970s that regional petitioners began to stake claims to sovereignty over the Senkakus. Through tracing the diverse aspects of history of the Senkakus, the author aims to demonstrate that there is more to the islands than the competing sovereignty claims.