Volume 3, Number 2
1 April, 2019

  • 罗家伦与1950年代台湾的简体字论战
    Luo Jia-lun and the Debate on Character Reform in 1950s Taiwan

  • 菅野敦志(名樱大学)
    Atsushi Sugano (Meio University)



      Atsushi Sugano is a Senior Associate Professor at the Faculty of International Studies, Meio University. He received his Ph.D from the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific (GSAPS), Waseda University in 2007. He researches the contemporary history of Taiwan, and also working as an Adjunct Researcher at Waseda Taiwan Research Institute. His books include Taiwan no Kokka to Bunka [The Nation and Culture of Taiwan] (Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 2011) and Taiwan no Gengo to Moji [The Language and Characters of Taiwan] (Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 2012). His first book was the winner of the 33rd Award for the Promotion of Studies on Developing Countries from JETRO-IDE in 2012.

    Sugano's official profile

  • Full Text

    簡体字 / 正體字 / English
  • 摘要:
           本稿将1950年代台湾发生之一个文字改革的论战与其主要论者罗家伦做为检讨。因1949年中华民国政府失去战局由大陆迁台,中国知识分子陆续跟随中央政府来台,从而形成并影响了1950年代台湾社会的文化环境和走向。此一时期既继承了大陆新文化运动, 又有许多台湾特有的文脉出现。

           本稿將1950年代台灣發生之一個文字改革的論戰與其主要論者羅家倫做為檢討。因1949年中華民國政府失去戰局由大陸遷台,中國知識分子陸續跟隨中央政府來台,從而形成並影響了1950年代台灣社會的文化環境和走向。此一時期既繼承了大陸新文化運動, 又有許多台灣特有的文脈出現。

      This paper examines the debate on character reform in 1950s Taiwan and the role of its major advocate, Luo Jia-lun. Because the government of Republic of China lost the civil war against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and resettled in Taiwan, a large number of elites from mainland China also moved to Taiwan along with the government, which structured and influenced the socio-cultural environment of the 1950s Taiwan. The role of these elites, who inherited the spirit of New Culture Movement from mainland, coupled with Taiwan's peculiar historical context played a significant role in the rise and development of cultural issues during the period such as character reform.
      Luo Jia-lun of Kuomintang (KMT) actively advocated and took the initiative in Taiwan to restart KMT’s “unrealized character reform” in Mainland China. But immediately after the organization of the Ministry of Education Research Committee on Simplified Character, Luo’s attempt faced harsh resistance from conservative mainlander elites, and the controversy over character reform became one of the largest cultural debates in postwar Taiwan. However, while the controversy was reaching its peak, the Chinese Communist Party regime in the mainland successfully launched their character reform in advance by the implementation of the Chinese Character Simplification Scheme in 1956. This move by the Chinese Communist Party inevitably granted political authenticity to the opposition elites who were against the character reform in Taiwan.
      To compete against the CCP, the KMT claimed it had no choice except taking a conservative standpoint, and it thereafter adhered to the conservative and dogmatic cultural policy. Progressive elites from mainland China who traveled across the Taiwan Strait had indeed attempted to continue with the unfinished cultural reform by implanting the seeds of New Culture Movement in Taiwan; however, as wars over culture continued across the Straits, their attempts were unsuccessful and the seeds they planted were never able to blossom in the cultural ground of Taiwan.