Volume 3, Number 6
1 November, 2019

  • 针对中国军事力量近代化 美国通过深化与台湾的关系开展对策
    針對中國軍事力量近代化 美國通過深化與台灣的關係開展對策
    US’s Strategies with Taiwan Against the Modernization of Chinese Military Power

  • 门间理良(日本防卫省防卫研究所)
    MOMMA Rira (The National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Ministry of Defense, Japan)


           門間理良現為日本防衛省防衛研究所區域研究部中國研究室室長/教授。1965年生於宮城縣仙台市,1991年畢業於立教大學文學部歷史系,1993年畢業於筑波大學區域研究研究所碩士班,1997~2000年擔任財團法人交流協會(現公益財團法人日本台湾交流協會)台北事務所總務部專門調查員,2000~2001年擔任日本外務省駐中國大使館政治部專門調查員,1999年修畢筑波大學歷史・人類學研究科博士班學分。2001~2012年擔任文部科学省初等中等教育局教科書調查官,2012年起擔任防衛省防衛研究所區域研究部東北亞研究室主任研究官/教授,2017年升任同研究所區域研究部中國研究室室長/教授。專長為中國政治外交史、東亞國際政治研究、中國與台灣的政治・對外關係・安全保障、兩岸關係、中國人民解放軍戰史 。

      MOMMA Rira (1965- ) is the head of the China Division / professor of Regional Studies Department, the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Ministry of Defense, Japan. He received his B.A. from Rikkyo University and also received M.A. from Tsukuba University. He spent three and half years in the Taipei Office of the Interchange Association Japan (now named Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association) and Embassy of Japan in China as a research fellow. He started work at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, science and Technology-Japan, as a senior textbook analyst in 2001. He moved to the NIDS in 2012. He is specializing in political and diplomatic history of China, politics and foreign relations in the PRC and Taiwan, the Cross-Strait Relations, and military history of People’s Liberation Army.

    MOMMA's official profile

  • Full Text

    簡体字 / 正體字 / English
  • 摘要:


      After handover of Hong Kong and Macau, the resolution of reunification of Taiwan has more significance for China as it is officially described as one of their “core interests” of China Communist Party administration. “The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” in the “Chinese Dream” means the reunification of Taiwan. Therefore, China would not be possible to declare that their dream is fully realized without bringing Taiwan back.
      This paper explores China’s diplomatic, economic and military pressure on Taiwan. Then, US’s policies to support Taiwan under the Trump administration will be examined. Finally, the following conclusions are provided.
      The Trump administration has been keeping the same attitude toward “One China Policy” that the successive US administrations had maintained, but both the US administration and congress have steadily increased their support for Taiwan. These US’ policies to support Taiwan have strong implications of keeping China in check. However, the US will probably continue their existing support to Taiwan such as several pro-Taiwan laws and arms sales even if the US-China relations are improved. Both US and China do not consider war as a possible solution to the problem.
      Therefore, this struggle for hegemony between the US and could last for half a century like the US-Soviet Cold War. This situation will probably work favorably to Taiwan's independence. However, if a pro-Chinese party wins in the next presidential election of Taiwan, the US will have to change their attitudes toward Taiwan because they lose the reason to support Taiwan. Therefore, the US must hope the reelection of Tsai administration.