Volume 1, Number 2
1 September, 2017

  • 胶着状态下的两岸关系和川普上台
    The Stalemate of China-Taiwan Relations and the Advent of the Trump Administration

  • 小笠原欣幸(东京外国语大学)
    OGASAWARA, Yoshiyuki (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)




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  • Full Text

    簡体字 / 正體字 / English
  • 摘要:


      This paper analyzes the development of China-Taiwan relations since the DPP’s Tsai Ing-wen took office in May 2016, and tries to make a preliminary estimation of the impact of the new U.S. Trump administration on Taiwan.
      Since the presidential election in January 2016, the administrative power in Taiwan was transferred from the hand of Ma Ying-jeou who promoted the friendly policies toward China to that of Tsai who emphasized “the Taiwanese identity” and "the status quo of Taiwan". The gap between Tsai Ing-wen and Xi jinping, who was unceasingly promoting “Chinese Dream” for which the unification was indispensable, was so wide that the relations between Taiwan and China reached a stalemate.
      As Tsai didn’t accept “One China,” China’s ill feeling toward Tsai intensified and China’s pressure on Taiwan increased. Tsai handled the situation with caution. Even though the approval rating of Tsai fell considerably, this was mainly due to domestic issues, not to the freezing relations with China. On the other hand, China didn’t have the decisive power to solve the Taiwan issues. For that reason, Taiwan and China kept a very subtle balance.
      The advent of the Trump administration added another uncertainty to US-China relations and put Taiwan in the far more difficult situation. Tsai refrained from commenting on Trump’s remarks and kept a low profile.
      Although Taiwan has always suffered from being in the weak position, it has managed to survive. As it did in the past, Taiwan sails in the storm cautiously.