Volume 1, Number 5
1 December, 2017

  • 蒋经国・李登辉时期日台关系之转变:日华・日台双重结构之遗产
    Change of Japan-Taiwan Relations during Chang Ching-kuo and Lee Teng-hui Regimes: Legacies of the Dual Structures of Japan-ROC and Japan-Taiwan Relations

  • 清水丽(东京大学)
    Urara SHIMIZU (The University of Tokyo)

           清水丽现为东京大学东洋文化研究所特任准教授。1967年生于东京,1990年毕业于筑波大学第一学群第一学类东洋史专科,1993年毕业于筑波大学大学院硕士课程区域研究研究所,98年修毕筑波大学大学院博士课程国际政治经济学研究所的博士班学分,2002年取得筑波大学博士学位 (国际政治经济学),02年起国士馆大学21世纪亚洲学部担任副教授,升任同学部教授,08-14年担任桐荫横滨大学健康运动政策学部教授,2014-16年担任东洋文化研究所特任研究员,17年起担任同研究所特任准教授。专长为亚洲政治外交史,日中台关系,日台政治外交史。

           清水麗現為東京大學東洋文化研究所特任准教授。1967年生於東京,1990年畢業於筑波大學第一學群第一學類東洋史專科,1993年畢業於筑波大學大學院碩士課程區域研究研究所,98年修畢筑波大學大學院博士課程國際政治經濟學研究所的博士班學分,2002年取得筑波大學博士學位 國際政治經濟學,02年起國士舘大學21世紀亞洲學部擔任副教授,升任同學部教授,08-14年擔任桐蔭橫濱大學健康運動政策學部教授,2014-16年擔任東洋文化研究所特任研究員,17年起擔任同研究所特任准教授。專長為亞洲政治外交史,日中台關係,日台政治外交史。

      Urara SHIMIZU (1967- ) is a project associate professor of history of international politics at the University of Tokyo, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia. She received her Ph.D. in international political economy from Graduate School of IPE at Tsukuba University. She spent six years in the Kokushikan University, as an associate professor and professor, and moved to the TOIN University of Yokohama. She started to research at the University of Tokyo in 2014. She is specializing in political and diplomatic history of Asia, history of politics and foreign relations in the Japan and Taiwan after WWⅡ.

  • Full Text

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  • 摘要:


      Before diplomatic relations between Japan and ROC broke off in 1972, Japan-ROC relations were primarily focused on political diplomacy. Official break in diplomatic relations did not terminate political relations, bet pragmatic relations were maintained through a semi-formal channel. Rather than considering this semi-formal channel as Chiang Kai-shek’s legacy, it’s more appropriate to consider this as a product of Ma Su-li’s Japan policy that integrates new and old leverages under Chiang Ching-kuo’s new regime. Ching Ching-kuo’s foreign policy contained both elements of the pragmatics of Taiwan’s survival as well as diplomatic ideals inherited from the Chinese Civil War.
      With change in leadership, President Lee Teng-hui reshaped Taiwan’s Japan policy but prior to its accomplishment, the semi-formal channel employed during Chiang Ching-kuo’s remained in operation.