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This paper has pointed out the following three features of the Taiwan policy of the Xi Jinping administration in its second term.
First, the policy demonstrates its continuity from that of the past administration --- the “two-handed strategy” consisting of soft policy measures and hardline policy measures. The 31 Measures toward Taiwan embody Beijing’s soft policy to Taiwan, but at the same time are designed to take away from Taiwan its advanced technologies and competent human resources for use in the development of the Chinese mainland. Therefore, the Taiwanese government regards the package measures as equal to a kind of “beggar-thy-neighbor policy” to make Taiwan more dependent on China. Taipei is now heightening its vigilance over the measures. On the other hand, Beijing’s hardline policy is made up of efforts to narrow Taiwan's international area of activity by mounting political pressure, and to accelerate the activities of Chinese military aircraft and naval ships around Taiwan.
Secondly, although the Xi Jinping administration has inherited the “two-handed strategy,” yet it still fails to set clear goals to achieve. For example, those soft and hardline policy measures mentioned above have the effect of offsetting each other. If Beijing launched soft economic measures but simultaneously intensified military pressure, Taiwan would be even more vigilant. If Beijing increased military pressure, but at the same time adopted conciliatory economic measures, Taiwan would get an impression that Beijing will not resort to military force, and the effect of intimidation would be weakened. Such inconsistency gives Taiwan an impression that there is still time for her to respond.
Thirdly, while there is a continuing vicious cycle between an exchange of sanctions and retaliations and the resulting deterioration in the bilateral relations, thanks to growing U.S. support, Taiwan nonetheless manages to maintain a certain space of activity. This situation signifies that the Xi Jinping administration, absorbed with various external and internal political issues, does not place a high priority on the Taiwan issue. Changing the status quo related to the cross-Strait issue is still characterized by difficulties.