Volume 2, Number 6
1 June, 2018

  • 第二次外交革命?——中国对国际安全合作的新思考与行为
    China’s Second Diplomatic Revolution?:Beijing’s New Thinking on Alliances and Security Partnerships

  • 林 载桓(青山学院大学)
    林 載桓(青山學院大學)
    Lim Jaehwan (Aoyama Gakuin University)

           林载桓现为青山学院大学国际政治学科副教授。他毕业于首尔大学社会科学部,并于东京大学法学政治学研究科取得硕、博士学位。他的专长是中国政治,特别关注于菁英政治及文武关系。他的第一本书《人民解放軍と中国政治——文化大革命から鄧小平へ》(名古屋:名古屋大学出版会,2014)获得第27届每日新闻社「亚洲・太平洋奖特别奖」(2015)及第36届日本贸易振兴机构亚洲经济研究所 (IDE-JETRO)「发展途上国研究奖励奖」(2015)。近期主要的学术论文有刊登于《アジア経済》的〈中国の「集団領導制」の制度分析:権威主義体制、制度、時間〉(2017年9月)以及刊登于《Armed Forces & Society》的〈Chinese Civil-Military Relations Revisited: Party, Military, and Society〉(2018)。 最近亦共同编著了《現代中國政治制度——時間的政治及共產黨統治》(东京:庆应义塾大学出版会,2018)一书。他目前正在哈佛燕京学社担任访问学者,并着手写第三本书,该书将聚焦在创造并维持政治秩序的军方此一角色,进而探讨中国文武关系的长期制度发展。过去他也曾经在耶鲁大学、北京大学担任过访问学者,以比较权威主义研究方式来研究中国政治。

           林載桓現為青山學院大學國際政治學科副教授。他畢業於首爾大學社會科學部,並於東京大學法學政治學研究科取得碩、博士學位。他的專長是中國政治,特別關注於菁英政治及文武關係。他的第一本書《人民解放軍と中国政治——文化大革命から鄧小平へ》(名古屋:名古屋大學出版會,2014)獲得第27屆每日新聞社「亞洲・太平洋獎特別獎」(2015)及第36屆日本貿易振興機構亞洲經濟研究所 (IDE-JETRO)「發展途上國研究獎勵獎」(2015)。近期主要的學術論文有刊登於《アジア経済》的〈中国の「集団領導制」の制度分析:権威主義体制、制度、時間〉(2017年9月)以及刊登於《Armed Forces & Society》的〈Chinese Civil-Military Relations Revisited: Party, Military, and Society〉(2018) 。最近亦共同編著了《現代中國政治制度——時間的政治及共產黨統治》(東京:慶應義塾大學出版會,2018)一書。他目前正在哈佛燕京學社擔任訪問學者,並著手寫第三本書,該書將聚焦在創造並維持政治秩序的軍方此一角色,進而探討中國文武關係的長期制度發展。過去他也曾經在耶魯大學、北京大學擔任過訪問學者,以比較權威主義研究方式來研究中國政治。

      Lim Jaehwan is an associate professor in the department of international politics at Aoyama Gakuin University. After obtaining his B.A. in sociology and political science at Seoul National University, he completed his PhD in political science at the University of Tokyo and also pursued graduate studies at New York University. He specializes in contemporary Chinese politics, with a particular interest in elite politics and civil-military relations. His first book, The Emergence and Demise of Military Governance in China: From Cultural Revolution to Deng Xiaoping (Nagoya University Press, 2014), was the winner of 2015 Mainichi Asia-Pacific Award and 2015 IDE-JETRO Developing Countries Studies Award. Lim’s more recent publications include “Institutional Analysis of China’s Collective Leadership” (Azia Keizai, 2017) and “Chinese Civil-Military Relations Revisited” (Armed Forces & Society, 2018). He also recently published a co-edited book titled Contemporary Chinese Political Institutions: The Politics of Temporality and the Communist Party’s Rule (Keio University Press, 2018). As a Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholar for the 2018-2019 academic year, he is working on the third book project that explores the long-term institutional development of Chinese civil-military relations with a focus on the role of the military in creating and maintaining political order. Studying Chinese politics in the context of comparative authoritarianism, he served as a visiting scholar at Yale and Peking University.

    Lim Jaehwan's official profile

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  • 摘要:


      How has China’s assessment of external security environment evolved? What are its core features? What effects has Beijing’s evolving threat perception had on the design and practice of foreign security policy? Drawing on domestic scholarly discussions, this article explores how Beijing’s perspectives on regional security dynamics and potential policy choices have developed. A particular focus will be on the reactions to perceived transformations in the US-led regional alliance system, which have manifested in an unusually heated debate on the enduring value of the non-alliance principle. By doing so, this article argues that although any radical departure from the existing policy is unlikely, Beijing is now clearly exploring new ways of security cooperation as a means to balance against increasing security pressures.