Volume 2, Number 9
1 November, 2018

  • 战後台湾电影院“播放国歌影片”之确立过程
    Establishing the ROC’s National Anthem Film Program in Post-World War II Taiwanese Movie Theatres

  • 三泽真美惠(日本大学)
    Misawa, Mamie (Nihon University)



      Misawa, Mamie is Professor at Department of Chinese Language and Culture, College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University. She has published two single authored books: The Screen under Colonial Rule: A study on the movie policy of the Colonial Government of Taiwan (Qianwei, 2001, Chinese), Between “the Empire of Japan” and “the Motherland China,” Collaboration and border-crossing of Taiwanese film activists in the colonial period (Iwanami, 2010, Japanese; National Taiwan University Press, 2012, Chinese), one co-edited volume: Radio, Movie, Television: Inter-relationship of audio-visual media in East Asia today (Seikyusha, 2012, Japanese), and one single edited volume: Propaganda Films in Colonial Taiwan: Research on Newly Discovered Films (University of Tokyo Press, 2017, Japanese).

    Misawa's official profile

    Misawa's official website

  • Full Text

    簡体字 / 正體字 / English
  • 摘要:


      This paper analyzes the film regulations by the Nationalist Party (hereafter, KMT) in Taiwan, focusing on the national anthem film. It clarifies the process of establishing the screening program of the national anthem film at every theatre as a part of the mobilization movement for anti-communism and argues that Chiang Kai-shek placed great emphasis on the power of the national anthem to the extent that he himself tried to write it anew. It examines the content of the national anthem films and filmstrips screened in the program, to show their elements were designed to be mutually complementary. It also explores social reaction toward the national anthem and its film screening to suggest that it seems not so always effective in helping shape the nationalist awareness of Taiwanese audiences and enhancing national integration as much as Chiang and his KMT had aimed for.